Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie 12/12/2024 THIS BOOK IS IN STOCK 12/12/2024
Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie 12/12/2024 THIS BOOK IS IN STOCK 12/12/2024

Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie 12/12/2024 THIS BOOK IS IN STOCK 12/12/2024


Hudson River An Adventure From The Mountains To The Sea by Peter Lourie

Illustrated with Full Color Photographs

Peter Louries adventure in a canoe captures the spirit of the Hudson River from the mountains to the sea. Born as a mountain brook, the Hudson River courses through dangerous rapids and waterfalls in a dramatic plunge of 4,000 feet. Then, remarkably the river slows and widens, becoming over the next 154 miles a massive arm of the sea, with saltwater and powerful tides. This day by day account in a canoe gives young readers the feel of shooting wilderness whitewater, gliding through the Hudson Highlands, and  finally, plying the shipping lanes of Manhattan's shore.

Peter Lourie's river books include:

Erie Canal, Everglades, Amazon and Yukon River 

"12/12/2024 THIS BOOK IS IN STOCK 12/12/2024"


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